Thursday, October 8, 2015

Glory to God in the Highest

Does God still Speak to us?

🎢🎡🎢🎸🎷🎀I will praise the Lord with all my heart, soul and mind. I will sing to him a thank you song for what he has done for us. 🎢🎢🎹  
Friends near & far   you are priceless! we value you! Thanks for standing with us. Our princess arrived safely and we are truly humbled and honored to be her parents! She's everything (and more than) we had asked God for.
Daniel (my husband) had never held a new born before, he used to say they freak him out. Now I cannot get the baby off his hands.

Before I knew about her,  God allowed  Daniel to see her face as it is today in a dream and yesterday he confirmed our baby is the same exact face he saw in the dream.
Exactly 9 months ago even before I knew of my pregnancy, God in his own unique way showed Daniel a vision. On  one clear Monday morning at his work parking lot  God allowed Daniel to see rainbow and gave him him a message that he's making a new covenant with him, and blessing us with a child.
To date I remember that Monday very well because Dee called me short of breath and sounding terrified and asked me to go get tested. I laughed  to myself like Sarah Abraham(Gen. 18:12) and boy was is sure nothing as such  was going on.Daniel insisted I take the test  which I did and sure enough I was expectant! 
Ever wondered if God speaks? Here is one practical example out of many dreams and visions we've had. God giving us more time we will share. 

Please celebrate with us this  Child God  has made us stewards of. 

 I'll edit my typos later when I've recovered fully😊
Essie Daniel

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