Saturday, October 3, 2015

Don't give up, purpose to finish strong

It was that kind of a day, one of my complete cakes hit the floor yikes!  Hehehe... and that 3 second rule does NOT apply when it comes to cake falls. Nine months Pregnant and due any moment, I would have easily given up and given my client a good excuse but I was determined that nothing was going to stop  me. Luckily  I had made extra 3 cakes(for no reason) thank God I didn't have to start baking all over again. I was able to continue with my cake decorating without any more glitches. Attached below please see the end result of the cake:-) 

This right here is an example of what happens in our lives... We all at some point  in our lives fall and hit rock bottom, give up and stay  in mud.
Staying on the ground/mud  and feeling sorry for yourself really doesn't  help, wake up, clean up  learn from your mistakes and move on. 
When down  there you see better and it's one of the times one can make very sound  decisions  including  how not to fall in the same ditch for the second time. Been there, experienced that and today I thank God for I am a stronger lady! That verse in James 1:2-4 that we ought to rejoice  when faced by trials of many kinds didn't    make sense then. Today looking back I'm thankful that God allowed me to experience  EVERY one of those tough moments. Truly they've shaped me and helped me  be a better lady. 
Many more trials are coming(no one is promised a smooth life) my prayer is that  I will rejoice  in them all and  remember that God will give me strength to courageously face them for I know who I've believed, and I'm convinced that he is able to guard that I've  entrusted to him.."  
2 Tim 1:12 

Blessed Sunday my friends  and a victorious week ahead.

Essie (ChefElegant)

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