Wednesday, January 17, 2018

What is your Passion

===>Long post alert<===

“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” ~ Confucius

Have you discovered what you were meant to do,  what your true passion is ? Your life doesn’t get better by chance, it gets better by change.
A good place to start is

1. Write down talents you are  good at including inherent gifts. Don’t limit this to your play time, think of everything to include work, and at home.

2. Add to your list any skills that you have developed either for work or for your personal life.

3. Write down anything that you are interested in learning about or may want to pursue.

NOW ask yourself the following questions and write down your answers:

DOING THIS – gets me excited so much that I can talk about it all day long?
DOING THIS – makes me excited to get up in the morning?
DOING THIS – I would be willing to do it for FREE?
DOING THIS – can make me lose all sense of time?
DOING THIS – gives me extra energy?
DOING THIS – makes me smile?
Answer them in this manner, replacing the word “DOING THIS”…

Question #1 – “Watching the progression of my friend losing weight gets me excited so much that I can talk about it all day long.”
Question #2 – “Working at the hospital makes me excited to get up in the morning.”
Question #3 – “Designing websites is so much fun I would be willing to do it for FREE.”
Question #4 – “Working with animals can make me lose all sense of time.”

You get the idea for the remainder of questions… hopefully your subject will be the same in front of each question.

Now take a bold step, Follow Your Passion – Don’t and don’t Settle for less… Do What You Love!

 Article: Your Ultimate Source Of Motivation – Start with Your ‘Why’ – Is Your Why Big Enough?

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