Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Personal growth

Long post alert! Happy MLK day y’all!
Have you ever wanted something so bad you  that you are willing to do whatever it takes to get it?

Every single day the last several  years I  wake up early and focus on my personal development.
Every day I push myself to be better than I  was yesterday.  Some mornings I can hardly keep my eyes open like this morning. As a mom, wife, and entrepreneur unless I become disciplined and be intentional towards my growth I will never have “the perfect day and  time”.

My body wants to sleep, procrastinate, watch LMN movies, spend the day at the mall window shopping, but I must put in the work now so I can play later!!! I must beat myself!
I share this on FB  today not to impress you but to impress upon  you that personal growth is something  we have to be intententional about.
We have books, songs, businesses etc that are 5-10 years overdue.  One of my favorite Chinese proverb says, The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is now.
When you become intentional on this,  ain’t no telling what you could become. Inside you lies a HERO awaiting to be unleashed but you must put in the work. A little  disciplined baby steps will get you there. At first I didn’t see any change in my life and almost gave up. I’m glad I didn’t!

You probably think you don’t have time  and for sure you may not  but guess what, you can replace some “not so important” activities on your “to do list” with small daily habits that will help you grow. A few things that could help are;

▪️Waking up an hour earlier than usual  and dedicating that time  to your growth.
▪️Simple things like listening to audio books when driving “university on wheels”,
▪️Listening to the Bible or TED talks when getting ready for work or while making breakfast.
▪️Reading atleast 1 book once a month and Practicing what you read. Maybe even do lunch  while reading a chapters a book in an area you want to improve.
▪️Catching your “time thieves” and investing that time in something with a better and bigger return.
▪️Get a coach... research shows every successful person has atleast one coach.
▪️Attend seminars...
DO SOMETHING, anything...

✨MLK said
If you can’t fly,  then run
If you can’t run, then walk
If you can’t walk, then crawl but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward!!

Food for thought ✨✨✨
What were you put on this earth to do?

Happy Martin Luther King Day y’all! Let’s Keep moving forward.

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