Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Confidence Booster

✨✨Confidence booster✨✨ 

Ladies, without self confidence you’ll not go far. Self confidence is something only you can cultivate.Lets look at ways to do that,

1.Don’t criticize yourself and don’t let others either  (nonconstructive criticism) 
People will say “anything” but you don’t have to let them in. Really, you don’t have to open every package sent your way! 

Feed the hero within you and starve that chattering voice that  whispers to you things like “what makes you think you deserve that?” “you can’t do that!”  “you are not good enough!” Starve it and it will eventually die.

2. Love yourself.. be your own best friend. Treat yourself like you treat your best friend. Be nice to yourself.

3. Live a life of gratitude. Be positive and Look for good in every situation. Trust me you will always find it.

4. Focus on yourself, dont compare yourself with anyone else. You are a beautiful flower,  do what flowers do. Just bloom

5. Can’t pour in an empty cup. Be intentional on your personal growth.. do it daily. Read  books and listened to audios /watch videos  in an area you want to improve.

6. Let go of things that don’t serve anymore. Detach yourself from bad influence. You must keep a close eye on who’s in your inner circle. 
“With whom you surround yourself with is who you become” let go of battery drainers, keep close the battery chargers.


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