Monday, December 31, 2018

Hello 2019

In 2019 focus on the simple things that make life beautiful. Laughter, smiles, love and Gratitude. ~Whitney English

๐Ÿ”น1. Start with the Big picture
Imagine it’s 1 year from today and when looking back over the past year , you realize that it was the best year of your life. What does that look like to you?

๐Ÿ”น2.Set Goals
a)Personal Goals
B)Family, friends and relationship Goals
C)Personal Development & Spiritual Goals
D)Financial Goals
E)work, Career or study Goals
F) Health Goals.

๐Ÿ”น3. Design your Days
Have morning routine(Morning ritual)
A)Plan your day early-Do not begin your day until it is complete in paper.
B)Identify your top 3 priorities (top 3 To-Do)
C)Family Time
D) Fitness Time- have your gym clothes including shoes and bottles water prepared so you are ready to go.
E)Offload the Dishwashwer
F)Personal Time(PT)

Have an Evening routine(evening Ritual)
A) Take time to be grateful
B)Reflect on the day that was
C)Celebrate progress
D)Prepare for  tomorrow
E)Lay out your clothes for the next day including shoes
F)Set the table and plan what’s to be eaten for breakfast.
E)start the Dishwasher

 ๐Ÿ”น4.Stay on Course
-The blessing is for the consistent and persistent.
-Motivation will get you started but Displine will get you going.

๐Ÿ”น5.  Journal
The 5 minute Journal is a great tool. You can download the app on your phone. It has taught me to be grateful everyday.

๐Ÿ”นMenu Planning-
Your Health is your wealth. Be intentional on what you take in. Take care of the Lords Temple.

*Be organized with your time and intentional with your actions. Your success in 2019 will be determined by your daily agenda.

*Watch your inner circle. 95% of your success or failure will determined by who you spend most of your time with.  You are the CEO of your life, Hire, Fire, promote and Demote as needed.
95% of your success will be determined by how well you execute this right here☝๐Ÿพ

*Theres a special space just for God. Put God where He belongs. Allow Him to order your steps(make that your prayer daily)
Dare to serve Him whole heartedly in 2019.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ

๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿฝ2019 will be my best year ever! I will create my Happiness, Peace, I will attempt things SO great that if they get accomplished only God will get the credit.

Happy New Year awesome people!!!

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