Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Everyone is a genius

For a fair selection  everybody has  to take the same exam: please NOW CLIMB THAT TREE! Does this sound familiar? 8-4-4 system maybe? Did you have a teacher that told you that you’ll never amount to anything? How about parents that called you a failure because you failed your final exam thanks to one or two mandatory subjects?😔

Parents and teachers let us encourage our children/students to focus on their strengths and give them guidance and support! Don’t see them as a mini version of what you could have been. Allow them to discover their own path and pursue their passions🙏🏾

EVERYONE is a GENIUS! But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it’s going to go through life  feeling like a failure. -Albert Einstein

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That monkey’s facial expression though 😁

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