Monday, December 31, 2018

Hello 2019

In 2019 focus on the simple things that make life beautiful. Laughter, smiles, love and Gratitude. ~Whitney English

๐Ÿ”น1. Start with the Big picture
Imagine it’s 1 year from today and when looking back over the past year , you realize that it was the best year of your life. What does that look like to you?

๐Ÿ”น2.Set Goals
a)Personal Goals
B)Family, friends and relationship Goals
C)Personal Development & Spiritual Goals
D)Financial Goals
E)work, Career or study Goals
F) Health Goals.

๐Ÿ”น3. Design your Days
Have morning routine(Morning ritual)
A)Plan your day early-Do not begin your day until it is complete in paper.
B)Identify your top 3 priorities (top 3 To-Do)
C)Family Time
D) Fitness Time- have your gym clothes including shoes and bottles water prepared so you are ready to go.
E)Offload the Dishwashwer
F)Personal Time(PT)

Have an Evening routine(evening Ritual)
A) Take time to be grateful
B)Reflect on the day that was
C)Celebrate progress
D)Prepare for  tomorrow
E)Lay out your clothes for the next day including shoes
F)Set the table and plan what’s to be eaten for breakfast.
E)start the Dishwasher

 ๐Ÿ”น4.Stay on Course
-The blessing is for the consistent and persistent.
-Motivation will get you started but Displine will get you going.

๐Ÿ”น5.  Journal
The 5 minute Journal is a great tool. You can download the app on your phone. It has taught me to be grateful everyday.

๐Ÿ”นMenu Planning-
Your Health is your wealth. Be intentional on what you take in. Take care of the Lords Temple.

*Be organized with your time and intentional with your actions. Your success in 2019 will be determined by your daily agenda.

*Watch your inner circle. 95% of your success or failure will determined by who you spend most of your time with.  You are the CEO of your life, Hire, Fire, promote and Demote as needed.
95% of your success will be determined by how well you execute this right here☝๐Ÿพ

*Theres a special space just for God. Put God where He belongs. Allow Him to order your steps(make that your prayer daily)
Dare to serve Him whole heartedly in 2019.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ

๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿฝ2019 will be my best year ever! I will create my Happiness, Peace, I will attempt things SO great that if they get accomplished only God will get the credit.

Happy New Year awesome people!!!

Sunday, December 23, 2018

DESIRE GOD, living for the will of God๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ

Today while Decorating the church Christmas tree  I  remembered a powerful quote by T.L. Osborn, “Success in life is wanting what God wants for you.”
We all want to be successful , but do we want what God wants for us?๐Ÿค”

Do You Want What God Wants?or Do you just
want what you want and ask/command God to bless it? ๐Ÿค” many times we want what we want because we are afraid God will fall short providing for us.

God desires a relationship with Us, when I have His heart, I have His hand.  He reminds us in Jer 29:11 He knows the plans He has for us, plans of good and not evil. Plans to give us a hope and a future.

How do you want  what God really wants for you and what does it really mean to surrender our lives to him.

1.  I seek His Kingdom first . Matt. 6:33
Seek Him with all diligence-Heb. 11:6

2. Study His word & practice Obedience 1Sam.15:22
Hide His word in your heart Psalm 119:11
((To keep off sin, hide His word in your heart))

3. Trust His unfailing love  Psalm13:5
Take him at His word Proverbs. 3:5-6

4.Total Surrender of my plan to His Proverbs 19:21

A couple of months ago My Pastor Dr. Gacengeci  shared a powerful statement during Bible Study that has stayed with me.....
“Even if there was no Heaven, it would still be worthy and fulfilling to serve God”

Want what God Wants 1Peter4:2
๐Ÿ™๐ŸพDESIRE GOD, live for the will of God๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ

Friday, December 14, 2018

Essie’s Testimony of Gods Preservation, Protection and provision

This morning FB has reminded me exactly where I was last year and how I felt! ๐Ÿ˜ข
I was grieving for the loss of a smile , but I chose to have faith and you prayed  with me.  Look at what God has done. The pic above shows the progression of my healing both physical and emotional healing. To God be the Glory!๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ

Lessons learnt:
1. Faith- it is a substance of things of things hoped for and an evidence of thing not seen.  We have to have faith in God for we live in a life where things are unpredictable.  I’m encouraged to know He that holds the future has my name engraved in the palm of his hands. 

2. The Power of the speaking things into existence(Prayer)  Pray and go to work. Seek the first the Kingdom of God.  The power of life and death is in your tongue. Be careful what you speak, the moment you speak it, creation starts. 

3. The sorrow may last for a night but His Joy comes in the morning. It is darkest before dawn. Recently the spirit of God whispered this  clearly to my, “Hang tight my child, Be still! When things seem to be falling apart they are actually falling in place” 

4. There is power in writing down your wishes, desires and prayers.  Journal, audio record, or keep a prayer book. I have one  and right below each prayer item I leave 4 blank lines so that I can come back with a colored pen and enter the answered prayer. 

5. The law of association.  Surround yourself with people have a like mind. 

๐Ÿ”น95% of your success or failure will be determined by who you spend your time with. You cannot afford to take that lightly. 

6. Personal Growth-ALWAYS BE PREPARED.
Keep growing yourself, nothing should stop in life.  The sun still rises and sets, time is still moving. Get up and keep working on your goal. Even when things are falling apart, get up, get dressed and keep moving.
You do not know when an opportunity will knock on your door!Prepare yourself, grow yourself.
It’s better to be prepared and not have an opportunity than have an opportunity and be unprepared.
Dig Your wells before Your get  thirsty! -Chinese proverb.

๐Ÿ”นGod put me in this amazing world and gave me limitless possibilities in my life. I will make each day count.

๐Ÿ”นAttempt great things so great that when they get accomplished only God will get the credit. 

Count your blessings...They are more than your needs.
-Be positive and look for good in every situation.
-Use bad experiences as stepping stones  for success.  
-When tough times come do you become better or bitter?

Always be grateful! It could have been worse. In ALL things we have been asked to give thanks.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Everyone is a genius

For a fair selection  everybody has  to take the same exam: please NOW CLIMB THAT TREE! Does this sound familiar? 8-4-4 system maybe? Did you have a teacher that told you that you’ll never amount to anything? How about parents that called you a failure because you failed your final exam thanks to one or two mandatory subjects?๐Ÿ˜”

Parents and teachers let us encourage our children/students to focus on their strengths and give them guidance and support! Don’t see them as a mini version of what you could have been. Allow them to discover their own path and pursue their passions๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ

EVERYONE is a GENIUS! But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it’s going to go through life  feeling like a failure. -Albert Einstein

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That monkey’s facial expression though ๐Ÿ˜