Monday, May 20, 2019

Night Rituals that will set you up for a successful tomorrow

Attached below are 10 night rituals  that I believe will set you up for a successful tomorrow:

1. Do not go to bed until your next day is completed in paper. Review your calendar for the next day (early in the evening) identify three must-do tasks and set a start time and the next day plan to begin with the toughest task.   
2. Wash dishes/load and start dishwasher. Wipe down all counters  and shine the sink. 
3. Set up the breakfast table and prepare breakfast food items ie. wash and fruits, bake scones, boil the eggs, preset the coffee maker to start brewing coffee at a specific time. etc 
4. Get the kids’  lunchboxes ready.
5. Choose the next day’s clothes to expedite morning preparation.
6. Tuen off all electronics an hour before bedtime and play calming music..( for me it’s classical music). 
7. Set a timer for 15 minutes to tidy up so you wake up to a neat space.
8.Dim all lights an hour before lights out.
9.Read a book 20 -30 minutes before sleep. I refuse to go to bed until I learn something new.
10.Review the day that was, record wins and lessons learnt. Let go of hurts, Forgive ALL that wronged you and commit the night and the day ahead to God in prayer. The 5 minute journal is my something I don’t think can live without. Check it out FIVEMINUTEJOURNAL.COM

BONUS: Go to bed early!  Early to bed early to rise. For me bedtime is at 8:30pm since I am an early riser. 

Source: 10 Things to Do Before Bed Each Night