Monday, May 20, 2019

Night Rituals that will set you up for a successful tomorrow

Attached below are 10 night rituals  that I believe will set you up for a successful tomorrow:

1. Do not go to bed until your next day is completed in paper. Review your calendar for the next day (early in the evening) identify three must-do tasks and set a start time and the next day plan to begin with the toughest task.   
2. Wash dishes/load and start dishwasher. Wipe down all counters  and shine the sink. 
3. Set up the breakfast table and prepare breakfast food items ie. wash and fruits, bake scones, boil the eggs, preset the coffee maker to start brewing coffee at a specific time. etc 
4. Get the kids’  lunchboxes ready.
5. Choose the next day’s clothes to expedite morning preparation.
6. Tuen off all electronics an hour before bedtime and play calming music..( for me it’s classical music). 
7. Set a timer for 15 minutes to tidy up so you wake up to a neat space.
8.Dim all lights an hour before lights out.
9.Read a book 20 -30 minutes before sleep. I refuse to go to bed until I learn something new.
10.Review the day that was, record wins and lessons learnt. Let go of hurts, Forgive ALL that wronged you and commit the night and the day ahead to God in prayer. The 5 minute journal is my something I don’t think can live without. Check it out FIVEMINUTEJOURNAL.COM

BONUS: Go to bed early!  Early to bed early to rise. For me bedtime is at 8:30pm since I am an early riser. 

Source: 10 Things to Do Before Bed Each Night

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Your mind is your garden. Watch what you plant in it.

What are you planting in your mind? What kind of thoughts are you entertaining? When learning  something new the Conscious mind is in control and after you get it the subconscious mind takes over.

Think about it: When you first started driving, skating or riding a bike you were 100% there, learning and trying hard not to fall or fail. When you learnt how to operate that vehicle or ride that bike you  became an expert. It got  so easy that You didn’t think much about it. There are times I have driven from work to home and wondered how I got home. When learning  something new the Conscious mind is in control and after you get it the subconscious mind takes over.

Watch your thoughts dear ones!  Once planted in a fertile ground (mind) they grow and become our governing systems. They will empower or limit you and it all begins with what you entertain. Any idea once planted will stay in place unless challenged or replaced.  If you don’t challenge it,  it will grow strong and stronger and even grow seeds

That quote “Mind your own  business” has never been truer. Your mind is your main Business. Watch what goes in it. Say no to anything that’s not in sync with your purpose.

We think 60,000 thoughts a day according to Deepak Chopra.  Which most of it we can control..
Challenge your belief system by asking yourself these  questions:
Is it ....
1. Logical
2. Reasonable
3. Helping me

Remember, Who you are today is where your thoughts have brought you. Who you will be tomorrow is where your thoughts will take you. You are a product of your thoughts!! PROVERBS 23:7 "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he".

Imagine you hear a  knock on the door. It is your responsibility to not only walk toward the door, but to know for sure who is at the door.
You just don't open the door,  you peek through the “security hole”in the door and see who’s at the door. Then you make a decision to let them in or not.

The door is your mind and it is your BUSINESS TO CHOOSE what You are going to welcome in. When  you identify what is trying to GAIN ENTRY to your MIND, You  decide whether you are going to ALLOW It to COME IN,  take a sit, offer it a drink and entertain it or whether you reject it.

It is your responsibility to take every thought captive. (II Cor. 10:5); to resist the devil (James 4:7); to choose to think on pure, lovely, wholesome things (Phil. 4:8).

It is extremely important  that you protect your mind and hear  and not expose it to damaging things that produce negative thinking within you. (Proverbs 4:23)
Because what you think is what you are. You are what you are today because of yesterday's thoughts.
Your tomorrow is being shaped by your thoughts today.
Be intentional about what you think about.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

You got dreams? How about aspirations!!

✨You got dreams? How about aspirations?
(An aspiration is a strong desire, longing, or aim; ambition)

Go after your dreams like your life depends on it because it does. Do WHATEVER it takes to make it happen! Life is NOW in session! LIFE IS HERE AND NOW!! Remember you will miss 💯 % of the shots you don’t take. ~ Wayne Gretzky
Mae West said,  “You only live ONCE, but if you live it right, once is enough.”
Be willing to bet on your self and have faith in God. ALL things are possible🙏🏾

✨ MAKE Failure your friend not your enemy!
Failure is not the opposite of success but part of the success.
The first time you try something new chances are, you’ll  fail! Get up, dust yourself and try again! Fall again, pick yourself up quickly and try again.

Every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent success. -Napoleon Hill

✨Consider Mentorship/Coaching
We all need a Paul(Mentor), Barnabas(encourager) and a Timothy(mentee). Never underestimate the power of this three people in your life!

✨Who is in your circle of influence?
Keep a jealous eye on your circle of influence. You become like the 5 people you associate yourself with. They will make you or break you! Your success is heavily dependent on that circle!

✨Protect your time!
Given the choice, would you rather save time or money? Time is and should be our most valuable commodity. Money mistakes can often be corrected, lost time cannot be recovered.

Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. Once you’ve lost it you can never get it back. -Harvey MacKay

#Spend your time with people that matter, doing the things that make a difference. One of those things is growing yourself!

In conclusion, go out and make it happen, you can do it! A year from now you’ll look back and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

#LeanOnMyFaith until you can stand on your own. #Mentorship

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Dare 2B Different in 2019

🔸Be willing to fail 1001 times in 2019!!
The more times you fail,  the closer you are to

Reach for things you desire! You could fail but Pick yourself up, try again and again. No matter what and how you feel, keep moving.  Make the best of every detour and interruption. Every Failure teaches you something if you let it.  Turn adversity into advantage.

For you that is in the game and feels like giving up remember:
The day you plant a seed 🌱 is not the day you eat its fruit. Be patient, Keep moving forward.The hard work you are putting in will produce the results you’ve been looking for.

🔸Measure your success not in the results you get but by the seeds you plant and the lives you touch.
#IDare2Be DifferentIn2019