Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Enriched Ugali Recipe

      Enriched Ugali Recipe
      (first picture below)
      3 cups finely ground cornmeal
      1/4 Cup Ground flax seeds
      1/4 cup wheat Germ
      1/2 Cup  finger Millet
      1 Tsp butter/margarine
      8 cups  water or  (7c water & 1c Milk)


  1. Heat water to boiling in a saucepan.
  2. Bring  water & milk  to boiling
  3. Add a Teaspoon of Butter/ margarine. 
  1.  Slowly pour the corn flour into boiling water. Add all other dry ingredients at this point. Avoid forming lumps by whisking with a whisk or just stir continuously using a sodden stick and mash any lumps that do form. Add more corn flour until it is the right consistency  (slightly thicker than mashed potatoes)
  1. Cook for 3- 5 minutes, continue to stir.  For most people at this point we like to  over turn it on to a clean plate,Cover and keep warm.
  2. I prefer to do more to make it more presentable.. I use 3.5' or smaller ramekin dishes, spray with butter and scoop the Ugali in using a wooden spoon so that it takes the shape  to the ramekin dish. Then I overturn the ramekin dish on to a plate and garnish with a sliced or 2  of cherry tomato and a small spring of cilantro. If using your hands to mold the Ugali in to a different shape be sure to use food service gloves.
  3. Serve immediately with any meat stew or steamed/fried vegetable or sweetened maziwa lala(sour milk)