Thursday, July 23, 2015

Discouraging moments

We face all discouraging moments  in our lives, sometimes very often and from people who are near and dear to our lives.  If it were to show in our lives some of us are really heavy laden with past hurts and new hurts. How do we deal with that negative energy that cause  discouraged and hurt?
Personally in most times I start by praying over the matter and as God is handling the situation  I choose to keep my thoughts on things that make me happy and raise my spirit. For me cooking, desining and home keeping does it for me! Sometimes even just spending time looking at pictures of my work raise my spirit. The more we dwell on past hurts and discouragements the more they eat us inwardly and make us unwell. We clutter our mind with unnecessary thoughts and emotions that we keep replaying over and over again instead of allowing fresh ideas and good thoughts to be born in us. Purpose with me today to forgive those who hurt us, let go as soon as possible and confront what we need to as soon as possible to restore our peace. 
I'm allowing God to use my thoughts today to do what he wants to thru me. Worrying  over stuff I've prayed and assigned to Him shall not be my portion.
Enjoy the new day, tomorrow is not promised!!