Tuesday, January 13, 2015

New Year, New Developments!

Welcome to my Kitchen 2015 is here!

My name is ChefEssie Elegant and I would like to welcome you to my blog2015 . I'm so happy you found me, it's for a great reason. Now if you will,  grab a hairnet, throw on an apron, wash those paws and let's get to work. Welcome to my kitchen, the engine of this whole operation.

Introducing my handsome one and only God's gift to me, Daniel(Dee)

Some of my 2014 edible creations!

Baking & hot kitchen is so therapeutic

At one point our tanks run low and to refill hehe.. We go to places, eat or do things  that refresh or energize us. For me baking and cooking is that special  thing.  Of course I love to read the bible and meditate on the word and pray in addition to that,  but baking instantly gets  my spirits high. Come with me to my kitchen, let's look at some  pics:-) feel free to ask for recipes that interest you.

Essie Daniel.